Tuesday, March 08, 2005

uh huh

well, what can i say...yesterday's work plan went bust...
but all there is to do now is work for the exam, so it's not too bad, and once i've finished my lunch rascal is going to bed for the rest of the day!
am very much looking forward to the end of friday...yay! :D
it's a very odd phenomenon but i keep finding myself calling my mum; very odd indeed.
when i go home, i'm gonna tell her...but then i may say that now - how brave - but what will happen when it actually comes to it. ho hum. At least it won't be like telling her i'm pregnant or dropping outta college or something; that would prolly give her a heart attack! Maybe that should be my tactic...tell her something far worse, then say 'oh, sorry, only joking, what i actually wanted to say was...', and yes, i know what you're thinking, probably not the best of ideas!
ok, well, not really sure what else to post...if i finish later i might be bak then, but i wouldnt hold out any hope; yesterday's lack of work means i have to do more today. d'oh!


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