Monday, February 28, 2005


hey...back again
so, my shower failed to heat up this morning, had to boil the kettle in order to have a wash, after missing two of my lectures; grrr!
My brain got all overwhelmed, and we had a fire alarm, of all the luck, during one of our sessions. Went to sit in the stacks in the library after that, it's nice and quiet, as if the entire world doesn't exist for a second or two anymore.
Did some thinking and tried to get my trains of thought organised, which seemd to help for a little to a practical, where i figured not eating was prolly not the best of ideas, and just felt like curling up and gently rocking all by myself.
Got home, though and ate, and am feeling better, but my dog might be pregnant, and i still havent started my work for tomorrow; i will be so glad for next friday night!
oh well, ho hum.
I think after these next 2/3 weeks, i will feel better, i'm determined not to get depressed again despite everything that's going on at the moment. Really need to prevent apathy setting in before it's too late, and once we get back next term i think things will improve quite a significant amount.
Missing N...but Im glad he's safe and sound, and seemingly enjoying it so far, i definitely want him to enjoy the experience and get something out of it. not really sure what will happen when he gets back, but i guess it doesnt really matter for now. Just gotta stop thinking about it (despite that being quite difficult).
Still unsure about whether or not to tell my mum about the certain thing i've had on my mind for the long while, but if i decide to go through with it, i'll have to.hmm, dilemma and a half i suppose.
ok, well, be back again soon i guess.


At 11:59 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

sorry to say this, but no we are not alone on here...x


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