Monday, March 28, 2005

tour, bed and all manner of things (erm, possibly)

Hello again...i am currently posting from my bed, as am very tired and am enjoying the resting and non-groundness of my mattress; plus i am a little bit ill, though not exactly feeling rough with it, which is always a good thing :) before i continue i would just like to say that this entry will be lacking in some detail for more than one reason.

I shall start with wednesday; don't really think much happened, got back here from home...unpacked then packed again for the weekend, i also believe i ventured to the shop for a few things.thats about it...i know, you can just feel the excitement...

thursday, however, was different and was the beginning of tour. i got up at a reasonable hour and made my way to the station almost getting trapped in one of the ticket gates and meeting a couple of the guys before we got the meeting point and found we were seeming the first ones there. but soon enough we were joined by everyone else. at this point i was feeling a little internal, but that passed soon enough with a burger and getting on the bournemouth we shall go.

other people's complaints and a near concussed fellow passenger aside, we reached our destination without a hitch and set up camp.havent been camping in ages, but was all good. that night was pretty chilled and we had our fire sorted...a fire EVERYONE would soon come to know and love - we are ace!

friday, well, what can i say...i died and was resurrected, all by 2.15 in the afternoon. did not play any hockey that day either...(that's me personally, not the team). many antics followed. lots of people, music, dancing, nakedness of various degrees (not my own, may i add), games and other such things.

saturday...hmm, not all that different to friday i guess, except the dieing and i actually played a match, yay me!confessions and other such things ensued (though not confined to saturday...the previous night had seen some too). both friday and saturday were filled with other people's stroppiness, sulking and pointiness but all in all there was lots of shiny happy people (apart from one minor incident, me included). there was foam and there was logs and wet bums...warm fire and sociable people. plus some insane people (let's just say burning your own shoes is not a sign of being sound of mind).

no sleep later and along came yesterday...the weather, which had been brilliant all weekend was starting to wane just a little bit. and though i was slightly sad to be leaving, we packed up and left the remaining teams to it. i must say, though, that me (and my hair) were very much looking forward to the shower which awaited me when i got home - it was sooooo good!! i even had a postcard awaiting me from N when i got back; made me smile. :)

went out for a curry with some of the guys (and a coupla extras)...mmm proper food. and despite much input stunning me into occasional silence along with being ever so sleepy, it was great to end the weekend this way. along with climbing into bed last night! had a fantastic night's sleep. had a brilliant weekend.

well i think that's it for now, plus im really quite hungry and it is most definitely lunch time, so i will get back to you when i can.



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